Wednesday 29 October 2008

What a Find !

Burton Joyce Village TimeLine Diary - serious and amusing -

What a Find !

Earlier last month I was pointed to a local website buy the Editor of the Parish Magazine -What A Find! - The Interactive Online B J Tour”
Unfortunately at present the Search Engines do not have this particular site listed , which means that a “surfer” can only visit the site by “clicking” a genuine listed link or typing in the following URL address manually into the Explorer Address Bar (at the top of a internet web page) .-

This particular local website is the work of a local fellow Burton Joyceon - it is a non-commercial projdect, which at a time when there is a plethera of supposed local "village", "towns" and "my county" websites all vyeing for contributions from the advertising budgets of the smaller local businesses is somewhat unique
It is a splendid piece of dedication and application, by someone who has an obvious, genuine affection for this attractive village of ours. The website will be most interesting to all existing villagers and quite invaluable to those from the outside with an interest in possibly visiting or even relocating here.. .. Plus.. .. all those others located remotely ( worldwide) with an interest in the news, views, faces and places connected with
Burton Joyce.
Thanks to you Angela for your contact suggestion, and thanks to you John! For allowing me to add your unique, creative website link to my own websites

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