Monday 6 October 2008


"bjblhs" .??..!!

Is anyone aware what "bjblhs" represents?

Throughout the world today, information transfer via the www /Internet rules.. is an everyday ocurrance for business, commerce, education, research and everyday personal issues - across towns, countries, continents, into virtually every country in the world, 24 hours/7 day a week .. .. .

The problem for many of the un-initiated appears to be that this "new, upstart medium" - still relatively young (10 years or so ). has resulted in a huge section of our community who have yet to embrace this new information highway as a way of life. .

Yes!.. .. I am referring to a section of the more mature individuals amongst us.

Why do I raise this as an issue - because there is a section of the BJ community ( by nature the more mature) who give a great deal of their time to investigating, selecting, gathering and collating as much information relative to Burton Joyce and Bulcote, which appears relevant. Yet this group, of dedicated people, individuals and collectively, still appear hesitant to embrace the www. and Internet, within their group activities.

I am bringing this subject to print, in return, for the help given to me by the "Tuesday Morning Ladies" at the "Burton Joyce & Bulcote Local History Society ", some three years ago, .. .. YES ! That is precisely what the initials.. .. bjblhs .. . signifies .

I want the BJ&B LHS to embrace the fact that the www and Internet. will open up a whole new world and opportunity for the collection and transfer of pertinent, useful and relevant information of our villages, to all and every interested individuals locally and worldwide. Not sometime in the future when all their present information is collated and manually filed, for that is a time which will never come . What is required is an immediate and progressive attitude to change ( for most of the BJ&BLHS are by nature "the more mature")

It does appear to be a fact, that the more mature/older we are, the more interested we become in our history, ancestors and genealogy

1) Just imagine, how many Internet users there are in this village of ours, PLUS all the other individuals and families (locally, nationally and world wide) WITH, or seeking information relevant to the area. All these people could be contributing and establishing real content to the Society's archives.

2) Just imagine, the ease which which your volunteers could be instantly collecting or distributing materials, files, text and images via e mail, by simply depressing computer keys .

3) Just imagine the benefits and ease in interactive productivity a small interconnecting network of laptops could provide. None of this is out of the question, or beyond consideration for those with a progressive attitude

The www and Internet is not a "Black Art" - it is a economical, straightforward, viable technology, which is now well established, understood, used world wide, proven and definitely here to stay

.. bjblhs.. .. .. Please! Please! embrace this superb "information highway", as speedily as possible (it does not bite!) -

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