Saturday 18 October 2008

A Gentleman 1

Trentside Village life - serious and amusing !
“Todays - News, Views, Faces and Places” becomes “Tomorrows History”

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B J Autumn morning

A Gentleman always ....

Following my Blog of the 16th Oct. 08. I have extracted this relevant section to officially begin my effort to create a definitive list of what “A gentleman always is.. .. “

1)A gentleman walks on the outside of the pavement when escorting his mother, wife,
daughter or lady friend ( Both young and mature) or anyone of the opposite sex
2)A gentleman always opens doors for the fairer (opposite) sex
3)A gentleman always returns the lady to her place/seat after a dance
4)A gentleman always orders and carries the lady’s drinking glass to her table
5)A gentleman always helps the more mature to traverse up or down steps
6)A gentleman will always help in picking up spilled, goods or the property of a lady
7) .. .. ..
8) .. .. ..

There are more examples to come from myself .. ..

However! Come on all you Surfers - Silver and otherwise ! Let us all begin to see your contributions also

Help to create “The ultimate list of A gentleman always .. .. .. ..”


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