Saturday 25 October 2008

Pavement parking

Trentside Village life - serious and amusing
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Pavement Parking - a misunderstanding ..Oh yes !If you believe that, you will believe anything

Why is it that some car drivers illegally park on pavements? - Oh YES it is ILLEGAL
My guess is that this type of driver is somewhat frightened or apprehensive by the situation, for if they parked legally on the road, there is a chance that some other car driver may drive alongside and because of what they consider as a narrow gap in the road, may , in passing by scrape and damage their own parked vehicle.

Wow! What attitude? This is ILLEGAL - do not be misunderstanding of that fact

Not only do these individuals choose to park illegally, they completely disregard the "right of the pedestrian". The pedestrian for whom the pavement exists, is entitled to free passage and how about considering those pedestrians who actually need safe passage via the pavement - which they are obstructing and on which they are illegally parking their car

Question .. What are the pedestrians supposed to do in these circumstances? - The elderly ,the infirmed, the wheelchair users, the young Mums with her offspring and buggies ( I hate buggies), the individual who has difficulty walking and requires the use of a motorise scooter, which is NOT licensed for road use ( there are more and more of this type of independent, individual using scooters now a days, and good luck to them. Their scooter is more than a vehicle to be inconvenienced on the obstructed pavement, it is their means of bringing some quality and much appreciated independence to their lives).

Answer ..Not a lot really, other than squeezing by ( if possible) or taking a chance and stepping out into the road to get around the obstruction. However, what is the wheelchair and motorised scooters user supposed to do? ( hopefully they will have an umbrella - in case it rains), and they should never leave home WITHOUT a packed lunch and i-pod, to help with passing the time, whilst waiting for the car owner to return

I make no apology for rabbiting on , about this subject, it annoys me unbelievably to see the unconcerned, uninterested, inconsiderate law breaking individual, flout the law, showing disrespect to the needs of others, many less fortunate than themselves,. My own patience is pushed even further to the brink, when the illegally parked vehicle is also the fashionable “Chelsea Tractor 4X4”

Personally I would like to extend this grumble even more further to that particular inconsiderate individual who not only parks HER car on the pavement outside our home, but also aggravates further with partially parking across OUR drive entrance - really no joke!

However for those who transgress in B J, - beware .. .. my “ roving, contributing vigilante” insists that the majority the culprits for this type of illegal car parking are lady drivers -
noted by the “jottings” kept in the vigilante’s little black book and digital camera !!!! ( Note! the use of the term .. lady - rather than the alternative, but less respectful .. “female“)

"Finally! I am sure that these parking illegal practices are in no way malicious, they are simply the result of the lack of thought by the culprits, who consider it more important to ensure less inconvenience to themselves rather than others" ..


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