Monday 27 October 2008

B J Geese

Trent-side Village life - serious and amusing
“Todays - News, Views, Faces and Places” becomes “Tomorrows History”

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B J Geese. !! !! !!
Our Trent-side village is also the residence for hundreds, upon hundreds of migrating Geese, using the river embankments as their own . They see the adjoining, cultivated arable fields as their free and bottomless larder and the attractive stretch of river as a superb environment for living, breeding and bringing up their young .

These "B J Geese" - Canada, White-Fronted, and Greylag species, create endless, disgusting , mushy, foul- smelling droppings all over the area and the local walkers footpaths… uugh! Especially if you find your shoes and boots clogged up with the vile smelling c***. - Despicable .. but not so., the numerous beautiful, serene families of Mute Swans who also share our stretch of the River Trent .
Although the local farming community use their shotguns and bird-scaring devices to restrict and limit the geese flocks destruction of local vegetation,

Just to emphasise the problem, the Environment Agency also finds it necessary to undertake periodic "organised culls" .. .. .. for many individual consider them to be VERMIN


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