Saturday 4 October 2008

Poplars Sports Ground

Parish Council Review

You will see from a previous Blog that I highlighted the adverse cost impact on the Parish's annual budget the ongoing operation of the Poplars S G was making. Well it now appears that the members of Parish Council have instigated/requested a comprehensive review of the day to day running of the Sports Ground and Pavilion ( incl fees and contractual arrangements). The findings /recommendations are to be presented to the Finances and General Purposes Commitee in November

With the coming 2012 Olympics - surely, someone, somewhere, can/will realise the potential use of this tremendous facility. There ought to be permanent schemes/requirements, with local/national organisations, groups or individual atheletes in various sports seeking space and facilities for day to day training and development or weekend camps etc.. - Yes there may be a requirement for additional facilities but surely an event such as the Olympics is worth some detailed investigation - just imagine the cudos an association with such an event can have for our village

Parish Plan

It is reported that there is much interest in this Plan - Why not consider some association with the Olympics - Surprise! Surprise ! .. .. More details are in the pipe line .. .. ..

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