Tuesday 7 October 2008

B.J. Players

B.J. Players Web Site

GOOD NEWS - Another new BJ historical website in the making - BJ & B LHS .. .. please note !

( Copy of the BJ Players advert in the October issue - Parish Magazine )

"The Players have been around for over 80 years and in that time many people have come and gone. We are in the process of building a website and we want this to be an archive of the Players' history.

This appeal is to anyone who has any memorabilia of past productions ie. photographs, programmes, newspaper reviews, even tickets .

We will take great care of these items which will be scanned and then returned"

If you have any items relating to the BJ Players please contact

Patrick McDonough
Tel 0115 93q1 3149
e:mail p.mcdonough@talktalk.net


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