Wednesday 29 October 2008

Eye See Bargain

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Eye for a Bargain
I was in the car park of a local Food Supermarket ( one of the top 5) when I noticed a middle aged lady exiting with her shopping trolley, packed with 10, yes TEN, of the RE-USABLE type of particularly easily recognised “plastic orange livered” bags - full to brimming. She then off loaded the bags onto the pavement outside and waited for her Taxi - booked to take her home ( presumably)
Nothing odd about this! You would say. However this particular Food Supermarket Car Park was definitely NOT, the car park of the - original supplier of the “particularly easily recognised “plastic orange livered” bags.
I guess the quality and price of the “plastic orange livered” bags. (used by the lady) is assessed ( by this middle aged women) as NOT replicated by the quality and price of the FOOD and PRODUCE purchaseable at the original supplier of the “particularly easily recognised “plastic orange livered” bags.
Uuh! Wow! What a thought and a mouthful .. ..

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