Friday 17 October 2008

B J Peacocks

"Trentside Village Life- serious and amusing"
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The leader of the pack

The Burton Joyce Peacocks are back .. .. -

Last year many residents adjoining the greenbelt on Foxhill Road and Hillcrest were constantly ( daily ) visited by a flock of .. .. .. Would you believe it - peacocks! -

At one time last year the flock was was up to 16 strong - conventional coloured, all white, males (or was it one male) and a collection of females etc - “Fantastic” ! Many of you may say, particularly when they are seen strutting down the middle of the roads, sitting high up on roof tops ( Yes on the roof, for unlike those at “Newstead Abbey” etc., these birds do not have their flight feathers clipped ).-

It has to be agreed, that in flight, they are spectacular. However, when they are strutting around in your gardens , patios etc they are much less attractive - particularly when they peck/feed constantly at your plantings, herbs etc and yes, even more so when they "c***" all over he place. This "c***" is NOT the corrosive variety we have all seen which is discharged by feral and wood pigeons. ( and in which we have nore tha probably trod) No !this "c***" is a large and messy heap and what is more it does not appear to “harden off” like that of pigeons - this messy heap remains soft and squashy, for long periods and sticks like glue to your shoes, boots, trainers, wellies etc and what is more it smells and stains horribly .

Evidently many of the local residents also saw and witnessed the similar, numerous ( daily ) visits last year, plus their shrill calls were also constantly heard, during their mating season - even if they were not seen. -anyone in or around the Bridalway ( top of Willow Wong) will also have been subject to these frequent calls


The “grape vine“, advises that many of these birds were sold off last year ( for they are reputed to be a good buy and lay really tasty breakfast eggs - urgh!


However, they are now back in force once again …..such a pity !

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