Tuesday 7 October 2008

BJ Street furniture

BJ - Mist on the R Trent -early autumn morning

Street Furniture -expenditure

Driving thro the village recently I was surprised to see that Local Government had decided that further resources should be ploughed into replacement of our existing Street Furniture

All the existing, functioning, street lights in the village Main Street were being replaced entirely by some latest designs (presumably). Not only were these existing functional lights being replaced but these replacements involve digging up the pavement areas, with additional wiring and erecting the new model within 1M of the originals.

To the uninitiated, this appears to be a gross unnecessary expenditure - we all like to update our cars , televisions, computers etc., with current models, but in these times of financial uncertainty we have to “cut our cloth to suit” so why cannot the administration do likewise. The “powers that be”, will reply.. these replacements have been scheduled and contracted for some time and that there installation/contracts cannot be deferred.

Well how about building in more flexibility into the scheduling contract. Alternatively, and a better solution would be to reconsider with the question. Why is it necessary to replace the existing/functioning - Is it legislation? New specifications /standards? etc etc..

As a local, I am not aware that the present street lighting is inadequate , I am not aware of an safety issues .. So why is it necessary to replace the existing ?. The established light standards and fittings will be removed, with all the cost implication, and then there is also the cost of their disposal ( yes there may be a market in second hand street lights in the Developing countries or in the present price of scrap metals -- Ugh! )

Simultaneously with the replacement of our Main street lighting, is the erection and replacement of our existing Bus stop signs . In the past some economies were achieved by using existing street light standards to “double-up” their function by attaching/clipping the older Bus Stop sign to them. Today the new signs are complete with their own standards/posts. Yet more expenditure by some section of local administration. What a waste .. ..

Eventually, someone has to pay .. Guess who !! .. !!

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