Sunday 19 October 2008

Cars/Mobile Phones

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Car driving/mobile phoners should remember B J Main St is no longer like this.. ..

Mobile phones and cars

What can we to do about car drivers and mobile phones? when "Stats" constantly advise us that using a moblie phone whilst driving increase accident liabilty by 4x .. .. Yes ! FOUR TIMES
It is plain to see that Government legislation , fines etc will not and do not work for 90% of the driver/mobile phone users
Drivers and phones, present a risk at all times to other road users and pedestrians - particularly within the confines of our own village of Burton Joyce

To use a mobile phone whilst driving to and fro on the school run,- Is a crazy irresponsibility

To use a moble phone whilst driving down our Main St. restricted with cars parking on the road side is plain stupid and ignores all consideration for the safety of others
To use a mobile phone whilst manipulating their car during exiting from the co-op car park is unbelievable - however it does happen, quite frequently by the fairer sex, the young of both sex, the mature quite staggering by the elderly
To use a mobile phone to conclude a last minute "shopping list" on entering Store car parks also occurs more often than one would anticipate
Now adays there is also the increasingly used tactic of attempting to hide this illegal practice by adopting the “hands-off” technique and communicating via wearing the clip-on ear device -
I guess, at the moment, there is really not an effective way of creating a fool-proof method of ensuring compliance with this legislation, particularly as we have still to educate drivers on the hazards connected to smoking whilst driving


Although, I expect we will soon will learn of the availability of new cosmetic surgery - for surgically "in-planting" devices into ears and voice boxes .. .. .car drivers note.. Uum!

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