Thursday 16 October 2008

Gallantry, Respect, Manners

“Todays - News, Views, Faces and Places” becomes “Tomorrows History”

“Manners maketh the man“
A saw an nice act of respect and gallantry, by an elderly gentleman, in B J village centre the other day. There was a young mother having a little difficulty with her shopping and her youngster, probably 3 years old or so, crossing across a busy Main St.. There were several cars around and others parked nearby restricting all pedestrians vision. Plus a "Southwell bound" bus, parked and off loading passengers in front of the Post Office

This mature gentleman, who had just crossed Main St from the Co-op Car Park , realised the situation and immediately went to the lady's assistance - then taking the hand of the youngster he guided them both, back across the road, navigating the traffic which was passing both ways, and into the Co-op Car park (from where he had just come). He then crossed Main St for the third time, to get back on his own way to the Post office

- .. .. .. .. .. What gallantry and consideration for others

It was this example of courtesy and respect for others that prompted me to begin to compile a list both serious and amusing, which exemplifies just what make someone a "Gentleman".


So here we go with the beginning of an ongoing list with contributions form myself and others sought from any surfers anywhere


A gentleman is .. ..

1)A gentleman walks on the outside of the pavement when escorting his mother, wife,
daughter or lady friend ( Both young and mature) or anyone of the opposite sex
2)A gentleman always opens the door for the fairer (opposite) sex
3)A gentleman always returns the lady to her place/seat after a dance
4)A gentleman always orders and carries the lady’s drinking glass to her table
5)A gentleman always helps the more mature to traverse up or down steps
6)A gentleman will always help to pick up spilled, goods or property of a lady
7) .. .. .. ?
8) .. .. .. ?


There are more examples to come from myself in future Blogs .. .. .. ..


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