Tuesday 21 October 2008

A Gentleman 2

Trentside Village life - serious and amusing
“Todays - News, Views, Faces and Places” becomes “Tomorrows History”

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A Gentleman is .. .. “Manners maketh a man is continues and ongoing

7)A gentleman is someone who does not wear white ankle socks with normal outdoor- wear shoes
8)A gentleman does not wear dark socks with white trainers at any time ( urgh !) ..
9)A gentleman does not tuck his shirt into his underpants ( as one of our recent Prime Ministers did)

10)A gentleman changes his underwear at least once a day (Uum! )
11)A gentleman does not wear make-up .. .. ( in daylight .. .. Uum! )
12)A gentleman does not burp! or belch! in company
13)A gentleman always excuses himself,
at the table, only ever using a toothpick behind a napkin or his hand raised to his mouth
14) A gentleman does not openly “ogle” after the fairer sex ( actually, instead he discretely “admires” unseen, and from a distance !! )
15) .. .. ..
16) .. .. ..

YES there are more examples to come .. ..

However! Come on all you Surfers, Silver or otherwise ! Send in your contributions also . ..

Help in creating .. “The ultimate .. .. .. A gentleman is !


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