Saturday 4 October 2008

BJ Parish Magazine

BJ weather today- windy, cloudy with some rain

Such an improved product

I have just read the latest edition of the Parish Magazine (Editor -Angela Davis) and report that the publication has now become an interesting read - The magazine covers numerous village topics is well presented and designed. I must also report that because of my own genealogy project which I began a couple of years ago,(after living in BJ for 35 years) I probably have been a little remiss in not having had my finger on the pulse of the village of late, however, times and my concience have now changed

During my genealogy research into the continuous relationship of my family name with Burton Joyce ( beginning in the midst 1600 ), I became aware of the difficulties involved in researching the everyday happenings and characters thro-out the total TimeLine of my project. This is why I began to create and maintain this "Burton Joyce Blog" for, todays news actually becomes history by tomorrow !!

I will be on the look-out for each future publication, and will be reading cover to cover .. .. ..

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