Sunday 12 October 2008

St Helen's Cemetary

“Todays - News, Views, Faces and Places” become “Tomorrows History”

B J - St Helen's Church
Attendance at the “new” Protestant Church of England had been compulsory since 1570 as part of a campaign against the Catholics after the Pope had excommunicated the Queen.
B J - St Helens churchyard

CONGRATULATE, PRAISE and THANK those individuals personally responsible for the upkeep of St Helen' Church and cemetary
All those in Burton Joyce should be most pleased with the care and attention given to both St Helen’s Churchyard and Cemetery. These two areas are always most carefully tended and peaceful with a genuine pleasant and respectful environment, typical of that sought by visitors and relatives seeking a little time for peaceful, solemn solitude.
The only downside is, the inevitable noise of a passing train on the adjacent rail track, fortunately this is NOT a frequent occurrence - confirming we do not live in a perfect world
Incidentally and as a point of interest. - The first three headstones, within the churchyard - are those of individuals of the ALVEY family dating back to mid 1800’s

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